Week 3 Day 4

This session is READY!

Email Mrs. Stubbs for questions about the lesson



Perimeter introduction (3:20)
Find perimeter by counting units practice

Khan Academy:

Video #1: https://youtu.be/9uwLgf84p5w
Practice: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-third-grade-math/3rd-perimeter/imp- perimeter/e/perimeter_1?modal=1


Write your spelling words 5x each. Write on your own paper, take a picture and and post to the Spelling word 5x each week 3 day 4 assignment in class dojo


Pick a book to read. When done reading go to class dojo find assignment week 3 day 4 book picture, click on start then draw a detailed picture of your favorite part of the book that you read. Please create a colorful and detailed picture. When done click arrow to turn in.


Introduction to irregular verbs (3:29) The funky-ed irregular verb (1:52)
The vowel-shift irregular verb (3:10)
The irregular verb gets taken for a ride (3:13) The truly irregular verbs (2:52)

Irregular verbs practice

Khan Academy:
Video #1: https://youtu.be/ZKr--3HpP_A
Video#2: https://youtu.be/B8131VDv0e8
Video #3: https://youtu.be/rDb0G066k5w
Video #4: https://youtu.be/zPQftyPqEDs
Video #5: https://youtu.be/1iDCV5NbbzM
Practice: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-speech-the-verb/ irregular-verbs/e/intro-to-irregular-verbs?modal=1

Social Studies:

The Culture of Japan Chapter #1 A Nation of Islands
Please download the student reader to your iBooks if using an iPad, if using a different device please download where you can use each day. Culture of Japan chapter #1 questions. Please answer the questions on your own paper, take a picture and post in class dojo under week 3 day 4 Culture of Japan ch. 1 questions.

Story Time

Enjoy listening to Mrs. Stubbs read this week’s book!


Week 3 Day 5


Week 3 Day 3