Week 4 Day 4

This session is READY!

Email Mrs. Stubbs for questions about the lesson



Khan Academy:
Video: https://youtu.be/nLY2bzRfQyo
Practice #1: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-third-grade-math/3rd-perimeter/3rd- perimeter/imp-comparing-area-and-perimeter/e/area-and-perimeter-scenarios?modal=1

Practice #2: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-third-grade-math/3rd-perimeter/3rd- perimeter/imp-comparing-area-and-perimeter/e/comparing-area-and-perimeter?modal=1

Practice #3: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-third-grade-math/3rd-perimeter/3rd- perimeter/imp-comparing-area-and-perimeter/e/area-perimeter-word-problems?modal=1

Quiz 2: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-third-grade-math/3rd-perimeter/imp-perimeter/ quiz/3rd-perimeter-quiz-2?modal=1


Write your spelling words pyramid style on your own paper. Remember pyramid style is the first letter of the word on the first line. Then first and second letter on the second line. Adding one letter each line as you spell the word. Please take a picture of your work and post in the Week 4 Day 4 Pyramid words assignment on class dojo.

Reading/ Writing:
Go the the scholastic learn at home page link below. Please do week 1 Day 4: Social Studies - Communities. Please watch the story book, read the story, watch the video and do the draw write activity. Please complete on your own paper, take a picture and post in class dojo. For the draw write activity I would like you to write about your community. What kinds of buildings are in your community. Think about what is needed to keep a community safe and to provide food and clothing for the people.

Scholastic Learn at Home: https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome/grades-1-2.html


Khan Academy
Video: https://youtu.be/hp9T-7on2Ow
Practice: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-speech-the-verb/verb- aspect-and-modal-verbs/e/modal-verbs?modal=1
Unit test: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/grammar/parts-of-speech-the-verb/test/ parts-of-speech-the-verb-unit-test?modal=1

Social Studies
Feudal Japan chapter #4: Everyday Life pages: 72-74. Answer questions on your own paper take a picture and post to Week 4 Day 4 Ch. 4 Everyday life in class dojo. (download the reading below)

Story Time


Week 4 Day 5


Week 4 Day 3