Week 9 Day 4

This session is READY!

Email Mrs. Stubbs for questions about the lesson


Da Vinci Tree Academy's Online Learning, Pledge and Announcements for Week 9, Days 4 & 5


Khan Academy:
Practice #1: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-third-grade-math/intro-to-division/divide- by-3-or-6/e/dividing-by-3?modal=1
Practice #2: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-third-grade-math/intro-to-division/divide- by-3-or-6/e/dividing-by-6?modal=1
Quiz#4: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-third-grade-math/intro-to-division/quiz/intro- to-division-quiz-4?modal=1



Please pick a book to read, try to find a book that is at your level. I have sent invites to Epic books, if you need this sent again please let me know. Epic books has a huge library free for students to use. Please if using Epic books for this assignment do not pick a book that is read to you. If you are reading a chapter book you can report about a chapter or two. Please use the Retell a Story pdf attached to this lesson. Answer the questions on your own paper, take a picture of your work and turn in using class dojo.

-Reading Comprehension Khan: The authors purpose


https://www.khanacademy.org/ela/cc-2nd-reading-vocab/xfb4fc0bf01437792:cc-2nd- reading-informational-text/xfb4fc0bf01437792:cc-2nd-ri-craft-and-structure/e/authors-purpose- ri-2?modal=1

Social Studies:

Making the Constitution Chapter 1 & 2: Life after the American Revolutionary War & Writing the Constitution

The constitution:

Optional Social Studies Work:
Founding Fathers and Mothers pg. 1 & 2
If you would like to send in please number the color areas starting with 1 in the upper left hand corner going across, then write the answers on your own paper and submit in Class Dojo, you will need to submit using the create new located at the bottom of the list of assignments.

Story Time


Week 9 Day 5


Week 9 Day 3