7th/8th Week 3 Day 2
This session is ready! Sorry for it being late!
NOTE #1: Students need to watch Mrs. Kemme’s class for their Grammar Class.
NOTE #2: Students in lower division Math need to watch Mrs. Kemme’s class for their Math Class.
In order to participate, watch the following videos and do the attached activities.
Social Studies - Quiz question students must answer over email.
Question: Republicans realized that the __________ Johnson was the real Johnson.
Message and Link from Wondery Podcast Studio:
As the Civil War came to a close, the government set its sights once again on the future of the United States. Working closely with a Republican President, the Republican Congress expected a swift and peaceful road to Reconstruction. But then, a mere four weeks into his second term, Lincoln was assassinated, leaving the country in the hands of Andrew Johnson, a Southern Democrat who had personally owned slaves just three years before.
While Johnson’s unwavering commitment to states rights cultivated a fraught relationship with his Congress, the tumult would ultimately be short-lived. After just four years of a Democratic president, America’s Grand Old Party would ascend to power—and hold it—for over 70 years.
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Science - None
Math G2 -
Mid Unit Quiz with 20 problems