Principal Roll’s Update on Mask Wearing

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Please click the link to watch the video about mask wearing and the good news for Arizona’s COVID counts! See below for further information on the rationale for these decisions.

Further explanations from Principal Roll on the current use of masks:

As a public school, it is our duty to respect the authorities put in place over us. Governor Ducey has lifted the mandate that requires masks to be worn in all schools in the state, allowing the individual schools to make the choice over whether or not they want to enforce mask standards. Governor Ducey has never recommended students to not wear a mask, he is simply giving schools choice (which we both respect and appreciate). Further, the Arizona Department of Education who directly regulates us along with the Arizona State Board for Charter Schools both encourage us to continue having students wear masks in public areas.

As a non-profit, STEM focused, educational institution, when it comes to questions of science, technology, or health, we turn to the experts. We are not a public health agency so we rely on those who have dedicated their lives and careers to keeping our families safe. Currently, the health authorities in Arizona at the Arizona Department of Health Services are still telling us that we should have students wear their masks ( Additionally, the health authorities at the national level at the CDC are also telling us that masks for kids is the right choice (

At the end of the day a big reason why we’ve decided to leave the partitions up is because the health agencies are telling us masks are necessary. Our students spend the vast majority of their days without their masks on, safely seated at their desks learning and interacting with their peers. They only have to wear their masks during their recess times or when they need to go to the restroom.

We understand the frustration. We want things to go back to normal as much (or maybe even more) than everyone else. The health of our children takes primary importance however, despite whatever inconvenience we may feel personally.

Kind Regards,

Matt Roll, M.Ed.

Principal, Da Vinci Tree Academy

School: 520-372-4606

Direct: 520-372-4616

Office Hours: M-F 7:30-5:00


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