Star Party Signup

Students attending the Star Party on 05/15/22-05/16/22 MUST have an adult to take them home between midnight and 1AM. Adults can be friends or family members, as long as the student has their parent’s or guardian’s permission to go with them. The event officially ends at 1AM on 05/16, but students are free to leave whenever they choose.

Any student who attends past midnight will be counted as “present” for 05/16 even if they do not attend normal classes. This is because they are technically at school participating in a school function on 05/16. Also, 05/16 is a Monday and Mr. Meehan, Mrs. Kemme and Mr. Battaline will make sure that students have time to make up any work they miss. We will be taking attendance at 11:59 on 05/15. Make sure that if you aren’t showing up for school the next day you don’t leave until we take attendance!

Mr. B. And Mr. Roll apologize to anyone who’s religious obligations don’t allow them to attend this event on Sunday night. Unfortunately, that is when the lunar eclipse is.