Week 2 Day 5

This session is READY!

Email Mrs. Lee with any questions about the lesson!


Hip, Hip, Hooray!  Congratulations. You have made it to the last day of week 2.  You are making progress. To start the day off, begin by watching the Welcome Agenda Video. 


This week’s word list focuses on the unique spelling changes of certain words when used in singular versus plural form.  It is likely that most of you are familiar with the words themselves. Just be sure you are using and spelling the words correctly depending on how they are used.  For that reason, I will not have you write out a definition of each. Instead, I would like for you to write each vocabulary word into a sentence paying special attention to the singular and plural forms of usage as well as spelling the words correctly.  


For reading, I will continue with reading a passage from The Lightning Thief. Click on the video to watch.  


For Science today we will be learning about Microbes.  I would like for you to follow the link to Story Weaver and read “Ira Investigates the Invisible”.  Then answer the questions on the worksheet provided below.  



Watch the video multiplying with partial products from Khan Academy.  This is the last assigned video to watch before taking the Unit Quiz. This quiz will help gauge how you have absorbed and learned the skills taught so far.  IF you do not feel ready, you may go back and review or retake any lessons, practice assignments, quizzes or tests. ** As always, remember to log in before starting or completing any of these activities.  

Practice: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-fourth-grade-math/multiplying-by-2-digit-numbers/multiply-2-digit-numbers-with-partial-products/e/multiply-with-partial-products--2-digit-numbers-?modal=1&ref=resume_learning

   Quiz 2: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-fourth-grade-math/multiplying-by-2-digit-numbers/quiz/multiplying-by-2-digit-numbers-quiz-2?modal=1&ref=resume_learning


Week 3 Day 1


Week 2 Day 4