Week 6 Day 3

This session is READY!

Email Mrs. Lee for questions about the lesson



We are almost half-way through this week.  Just a little push and we are there.  Let’s do this.  

To learn about today’s activities, click the link below for the Agenda. 


Print up the Word Webs to use for your Vocabulary Homophones.  Your new words for today are principle and principal.  After mapping these words out in your word web, practice writing each 3x.  


For Grammar today we will be reviewing personal pronouns.  I have a demonstration video to review with you and then you can head on over to Khan for a lesson there.  Simply follow the links below.   


Looking for evidence within a text and being able to back up claims when making points is a very important and useful skill in both reading and writing. 

Whether you are trying to find proof and validate an author’s point of view or trying to make your own point and persuade others, you will need to be able to “make a case” and prove your point.  To do this, you will need to provide evidence chalk full of facts. 

*Think of how useful this could be if you are trying to persuade someone of something (ie; such as convincing your mom that you should be able to game for a half an hour longer;).  

Citing evidence will help you to be far more effective at making and proving your argument or point of view. 

It’s okay to have opinions and feelings, but, you should also have facts and reasons to back up why you think or feel a particular way--especially if you want to convince others and even more so if you are writing a scholarly paper.  It is particularly important to cite evidence and rely on facts for school subjects and matters.   

Now think about a Science Project.  Let’s say you have just won at the Science Fair for your engineering project and the principal has asked you to present a proposal for how they can implement your newly designed product within the school.  

You would have to be able to cite evidence and facts (as opposed to feelings and opinions) as to how that would be beneficial to them in some way.  

Head on over to Khan Academy, the link is posted below for you.  Afterwards, you will be expected to put to use what you have learned. 

There will be a follow up activity in Social Studies where this new skill will come in handy.  


Social Studies:

As promised, we will learn about one of the key players in the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman.  Harriet is known as “an American Icon”.  There are books, tributes, statues, a monument and even a postage stamp made in her honor.  

She is credited for being a key player in the Underground Railroad and is known as a pioneer for social justice and human rights.  

Earlier this week in Khan you learned specifically about the art of  summary for nonfiction.   Today, you will have a chance to put that knowledge and skill to use along with the skill of looking for and providing evidence from the text to back up your claims.  

We will watch a nonfiction documentary about the life and accomplishments of Harriet Tubman and I would like you to write a summary about it.  

In this summary, I want you to be able to back up the claims that “Harriet Tubman is an American hero and Icon” and that she is a “pioneer and key figure for human rights and social justice”.  

To do this, you will need to be able to specifically state what Harriet has done to earn these titles and status.  Provide specific examples, evidence and facts straight from the “text” (or, in this case, the video).  

Your essay should be a total of 2-3 paragraphs and will summarize the life and contributions of Harriet Tubman.  

A link is provided below for the featured video, I recommend that you take some notes of the facts as you are watching the video.  This will make it easier to write your essay.  


Let’s do some division with Area Models.
Follow the links below to get started. 


Week 6 Day 4


Week 6 Day 2